Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Acrylic Gloss Skins

I saw THIS beautiful picture and wanted to make these.


parchment paper, wax paper, laminate or transparencies

acrylic paints


acrylic gloss medium (found at craft store- Michael's)

embroidery floss (optional)


    1. Lay out a piece of parchment paper on a tray or cardboard (so it can be moved easily)

    2. Put out a layer of gloss medium (medium thickness... try it out beforehand)

    3. Let the children use paint brushes to gently add color to the gloss

    4. Let the children at embroidery floss threads for extra decoration

    5. Let dry overnight


    * The less acrylic you use the more transparent it is.

    * You don't need the acrylic gloss medium because the acrylics will peel off and make their own skin without the gloss medium.

    * The gloss medium makes the skin more playable than acrylics alone.

    * The whole thing should be able to stick to glass or itself. I like the transparency of the end result and being introduced to gloss medium. Older students can read the directions on the bottle then experiment with it to 'discover' what it does.

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