Art Camp started the summer of 2006. We traditionally have Art Camp the second full week after public school is out for the summer.
I never went to vacation bible school as a child so when I volunteered to help with my church's VBS I didn't quite know what to expect. We were leaving to go on our second honeymoon the second day of camp but we helped make the props. We came the first night but I wasn't super excited by what I saw. It wasn't bad; it just wasn't fun for me. I saw a lot of kids that I knew or that I knew went to church.
So when the Children's Ministry Team discussed VBS, I said I wanted to help with something I could really be excited about: ART. We have several people in our church who are also talented in this area so it uses these people in a great way as well.
A subject based vacation bible school allows us to reach so many kids with the message of salvation in a way that is exciting to them and us as the teachers. God made us; He made us able to create and see the beauty of His world.
I am excited for Art Camp each year. I want to share Christ's love with our students in a way that is meaningful to them.
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