Thursday, January 13, 2011

Schedule Layout

Here is what the week's schedule laid out looks like. This way I know what every teacher is doing and know what areas need to be set up for each day. Each volunteer gets a print out of this schedule as well. It is posted by the door for parents and students to see. It is also posted in the work areas directly under the clock so teachers stay on time and things move smoothly.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Making Marks

THIS has some simple painting ideas. I really like the idea of putting a washer on a pencil and running it through paint.

Color Study

I like the final result of THIS color collage. I don't know if this would be too difficult and/or time consuming for our students and schedule. I like the idea of recognizing the different colors in magazine photographs and having the color change down the page.

Where would we use crackled paint?

I like the way THIS looks. Where would we use it in an activity?

Making Chalk

HERE is a great tutorial on making your own chalk.

These would be great to use to have the students draw a picture together outside.

Wax and Tissue Paper

I tried THIS. Mine did not work. I need more of an explanation.

Drawing on the Computer

Harmony is a drawing website.

How do we print these for students?
How do we have enough computers to do this?
What lesson would we be teaching with this?

Metal Verse

THESE would be nice to make for students to take home their memory verse for the week. I am concerned about finding the materials, the student's handwriting, and the cost of the frames. I do like the final results.

MORE Collaborative Ideas

THESE ideas inspire me to be more excited about a collaborative project.

The flowers seem simple enough but what kind of instruction is necessary for the bridge? I would have to have the outline of the image in pencil. What kind of general color instruction do I give?

Monet's Bridge

THESE bridge paintings in the style of Monet could be fun for young children or as an opener for a Monet project later during the same day.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Books of the Bible

I would love to make this into a lesson someday.

* Genesis---He is the Creator God
* Exodus---He is the Redemmer
* Leviticus---He is your sanctification
* Numbers---He is your guide
* Deuteronomy---He is your teacher
* Joshua---He is the Mighty Conqueror
* Judges---He gives victory over enemies
* Ruth---He is your kinsman, your lover, your redeemer
* 1 Samuel---He is the root of Jesse
* 2 Samuel---He is the Son of David
* 1 Kings and 2 Kings---He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
* 1st and 2nd Chronicles---He is your intercessor and High Priest
* Ezra---He is your temple, your house of worship
* Nehemiah---He is your mighty wall, protecting you from your enemies
* Esther---He stands in the gap to deliver you from your enemies
* Job---He is the arbitrator who not only understands your
struggles, but has the power to do something about them.
* Psalms---He is your song and your reason to sing.
* Proverbs---He is your wisdome, helping you make sense of life
and live it successfully.
* Ecclesiastes---He is your purpose, delivery you from vanity
* Song of Solomon---He is your lover, your Rose of Sharon
* Isaiiah---He is the mighty counselor, the prince of peace, the
everlasting father, and more. In short, he is everything you need.
* Jeremiah---He is your balm of Gilead, the soothing salve for
your sin-sick soul.
* Lamentations---He is the ever-faithful one upon whom you can depend.
* Ezekiel---He is your wheel int he middle of a wheel, the one who
assures that dry dead bones will come alive again.
* Daniel---He is the ancient of days, the everlasting God who
never runs out of time
* Hosea---He is your faithful lover, always beckoning you to come
back, even when you have abandoned Him
* Joel---He is your refuge, keeping you safe in times of trouble.
* Amos---He is the husbandman, the one you can depend on to stay
by your side.
* Obadiah---He is Lord of the Kingdom
* Jonah---He is your salvation, bringing you back within His will.
* Micah---He is judge of the nation
* Nahum---He is the jealous God
* Habakkuk---He is the Holy One
* Zephaniah---He is the witness
* Haggai---He overthrows the enemies
* Zechariah---He is Lord of Hosts
* Malachi---He is Merciful

* Matthew--He is king of the Jews
* Mark---He is the servant
* Luke---He is the Son of Man, feeling what you feel
* John---He is the Son of God
* Acts---He is Saviour of world.
* Romans---He is the righteousness of God
* 1 Corrinthians---He is the rock that followed Isreal
* II Corinthians---He is the triumphant one, giving victory
* Galatians---He is your liberty, he sets you free
* Ephesians he is head of the Church
* Philippians---He is your joy
* Colossians---He is your completeness
* 1 Thessalonians---He is your hope
* 11 Thessalonians---
* 1 Timothy---He is your fatih
* 11Timothy He is your stability
* Philemon---He is your benefactor
* Hebrews---He is your perfection
* James---He is the power behind your faith
* 1 Peter---He is your example
* 11Peter---He is your purity
* 1 John---He is your life
* 11 John---He is your pattern
* 111 John---He is your motivation
* Jude---He is the foundation of your faith.
* Revelation---He is your coming King. From the beginning of the
world to its end, there is no place you can look and not see jesus. He
is everywhere. He is everything. He is before all things, and in Him
all things hold together (Colossians 1:17)

Note to Volunteers

This is the note that goes to all volunteers. I use a highlighter to indicate the day and the assignment they signed-up for. Re-reading this now it looks really ...shall we say specific to put it nicely. Volunteers can't read your thoughts. If everyone has the same information and expectations things go so much more smoothly.

Art Camp 2010
Thank you for volunteering to help at Art Camp, our subject based vacation bible school. It is so special to have this unique experience to show Christ’s love to children while teaching them about a subject they are interested in. We could not do art camp with out volunteers to keep get camp personal and material costs affordable.

You signed up for:
Monday, June 14 (5:45-8:45pm)
Tuesday, June 15 (5:45-8:45pm)
Wednesday, June 16 (5:45-8:45pm)
Thursday, June 17 (5:45-8:45pm)
Friday, June 18 (5:45-8:45pm)
Saturday, June 19 (Art Show 9 11am)

You signed up to:
Bring a snack
Set-up the art show
Bible lesson teacher

*Please arrive at 5:45pm. You may leave at 8:45pm.
*Pray for each student during the day. (Names: TsaiLing, Paige, Luke, Jason, Charis, Erin, Paige, Tyler, Valincia, Micah, Jeremiah, Gage, Carol, Angelina, Yerin, Aaron, Silas, Sabrina, Alexandra, Bridget, Trey, Laura, and Jenna)
*Your duties include: taking young children to the restroom, helping clean, serve snack, keeping groups on schedule, directing students to stay on task by using positive reinforcement, redirection and proximity control, and showing Christ’s love and patience to each child.
*You do not need to be an artist to help the students. Encourage each student to do their best. Please reframe from drawing on any student’s work. (If a small child asks you to guide their hand, you may.)
*There is always something to do! Look on the scheduled list or ask Katie, Tim or Nicole. This is a time for the children; make it about them!

*Please have snack arrive before 5:45pm the day you are assigned.
*Enough for 30 kids (23 kids currently signed up)
*Please provide something with some nutritional value and easy to serve.
*Please provide 1 item and juice or two items then water will be served.
*Please portion items to make them easy to serve- snack size baggies, pre-cut bars, etc.
*You do not need to provide napkins or cups.
Suggestions: cheese slices & crackers, trail mix & juice, dried fruit, celery with peanut butter and M&Ms on it, Popsicles & oranges (1 mandarin per child or ½ an orange per child.), homemade rice crispy bars or brownies (cut to correct sizes) & grapes.

Art Show set-up:
Bless YOU!!! As I am writing this, I have no one signed up to help. Tim and Katie do so much work to set up the art show each year. Thank you for helping. We will be setting up Friday night after camp. Please show up between 8 and 8:30pm on Friday. Stay as late as you can or until it is done.
Bible Lesson Teacher:
*Please arrive at 5:45pm so you can meet all the kids and set up your area.
*You will be teaching two lessons approximately 20-30 minutes long- group 1 at 6:45 will be children 3 to 5; group 2 at 7:45 will be ages 6 and up.
*Students will be completing their snack and be done using the restroom. Do your best to have all students sitting and ready for the lesson before you begin.
*You will be teaching the back of the large room by the white board.

Monday, June 14th: 1.) Mary at Jesus’s feet. Martha jealous
Tuesday, June 15th: 2.) told Lazarus dying…waited
Wednesday, June 16th 3.) Martha tells Jessus he should have come sooner
Thursday, June 17th 4.) Lazarus raised

Lesson Order:
Introduce yourself
Show children bible
“This is God’s word.”
“Our story is in the New Testament.”
“The New Testament tells about Jesus’s life.”

Sing the books of the new testament

“This story is in John.”
“John is the book in the bible that tells Jesis is God’s son.”
“Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are called Synoptic Gospels because they include many of the same stories, often in the same sequence, and sometimes the exact same wording.”

Tell them the story of Lazarus
(bible closed on lap)
Read them the story of Lazarus directly from your bible

Repeat your part of the story
Ask open ended questions about your story
Why do you think Jesus waite?
How do you think Mary felt when Jesus arrived?
How do you know Martha and Jesus were friends?
Activity of your choosing related to the lesson
Practice memory versus with children- John 11:25. Write scripture on the white board. Erase one word at a time and draw a picture in its place.

Finish with practicing John 11:25. Write the scripture on the white board. Erase one word at a time and draw a picture in its place.

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies. John 11:25

Evaluation Questions

These are the basic questions we ask after Art Camp each year:

1.) (Student) What was your favorite part of art camp? Why?

2.) (Student) What was your least favorite part of art camp? Why?

3.) (Student) What suggestions would you have for next year?

4.) (Parent) Were you please with Art Camp? (art work, bible lesson, organization)

5.) (Parent) Did you feel it was worth the cost?

6.) (Parent) What suggestions do you have to improve our camp?

7.) If you would like information next year, please write your address below:

Play with your Food

We always serve snack. Wouldn't it be fun to have them turn their snack into something related to the lesson? I think this relates perfectly to my lesson idea of showing others something they haven't seen before. I really hope to make THIS into a lesson.

I would, of course, want to students to photograph their work.

Stylized Animals

My daughter owns these Wee Gallery Art Cards for Baby. She owns the Woodlands Collection.

I love the stylized animals and think it would be a fun opener activity to have out plastic animals, pencils, large sheets of white paper and black paint for students to create their own drawings similar to these.

We could discuss pattern and line thickness.

I own several of these Wild Republic Collection bags of animals that I purchased from our local zoo. The students I had at the time I purchased them made paper mache habitats for them. Students have stamped with their feet and used them for drawing exercises. They are the perfect size and realistic looking.

I make sure I know all the animals names before I take them in for students to work with. I have to know the difference between a jaguar and a cheetah. I also have to know where the tapir and okapi live, as well as what they eat. :)

Monster Feelings

Our friends gave us this book in the WorryWoo series because our daughter's name is Nola and the monster in the book is named Nola.

I love the watercolor and ink paintings in the book. I would like to use them as inspiration for a watercolor lesson. I thought the students could pick a feeling and draw it as a monster.

Or the students could simply try different watercolor mixing and techniques then let it dry and use ink overlay to create monsters and assign feelings to them.

A Picnic with Monet

I own this book and a few others in the series.

Two years ago we did a lesson with this book. I read the book to the students and we discussed the works of art and the wording in the book. Then I gave each student a color printed piece of art work by Georgia O'Keeffe. On post-it notes they wrote colors, feelings and objects they saw in the painting.

Next as a group we decided on a story to tell. We choose a fairy tale so everyone knew the plot of the story. We rolled out a long sheet of white paper and each child got to tape his/her color photo to the paper and tell the part of the story. It was interesting how the students worked together and how it really got them to discuss the painting. It wasn't a close up of a flower, it was a hill the prince had to ride over. It wasn't a tower in New York, it was a castle the princess was trapped in. The yellow of the flower could be the princess's hair.

I think the experience helped the students better verbalize what they saw in the paintings and take a closer look at them. It was also nice to see the students working together for a finished product.

See the complete story HERE.

What Makes a Degas a Degas?

I like the idea of showing students multiple pieces by the same artist and having them describe what is similar about the works. I would like to have a mini-gallery posted of famous works to discuss. Or I would like to have pieces out by multiple artists and have them group the pieces together by artist as a game.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Sign-up is done by emailing me and payment is made the first day of camp.

We have a capacity of 35 students.

We send out fliers to two neighborhood schools and our church members spread the word about our camp. We also advertise to our local homeschooling group.

The information I need:
Student name
Student age
Parent/guardian name(s)
Emergency contact number
Home address (I mail you a postcard for next year)
Allergies and/or special instructions (Students are given a snack each evening. They are allowed to bring their own healthy snack if needed.)

Materials for each day

I set up one area for all materials. The materials are labeled by activity and organized by day. I also always have, at least, two extra activities in case weather changes our plans or an activity doesn't take the amount of time expected.

I even plan activities for the bathroom in case of a tornado! One year we had to go into the bathroom because the tornado sirens were going off. Our students thought this was great and fun, partially because all the adults were calm and knew what to do. We quickly contacted parents from our master list of students. Everyone got home safe.

My daughter came this year (2010) to help me set-up. She had a wonderful time. This is the second year in a row I was pregnant at Art Camp! Hopefully, next year I will have more energy. :)


Set up all work spaces for the day before students arrive.

We have art camp in the evenings normally from 6 to 8:30pm. Volunteers stay until 9 if possible to have everything set up for the next day.

We have the floor covered, the tables moved for each activity and enough space for each student. This way students can easily be directed to their activity and teachers have their own space to work.

Camp moves so well when you can focus on the students and not having enough room or where materials are.

Drying & Keeping Work

Students do not take work home until after the Art Show.

This is so SIMPLE! Put out large sheets of paper for students to put completed artwork on. This also works as a meeting place for students when switching groups! Our students often leave their shoes on their paper as well because it is summer and we often do messy activities.

Some items can not be labeled with their names until after they dry. We put scrap paper or masking tape under wet items so they go to the appropriate student later. Do not neglect labeling work. You can not remember who made what and sometimes the students don't recognize their own work the next day. Being diligent about labeling works means you will have less headaches and hurt feelings later.


Label items people bring in for you to use. Simply writing on masking tape and putting it on a blender saves you time later. A volunteer can easily take the items back to their owners at the end of the week.

These materials are packed and ready for the teacher to grab as she leads her group outside to do paper making.

Volunteers ROCK!

Our teachers and volunteers are awesome. They take the time to talk to each student. They come to art camp because they love it just as much as the students do.

Volunteers help students label their artwork, attend the bible lesson and snack time with the students, set out materials, and help students clean-up.

Volunteers Sign-up and Sign-in

Volunteers sign-up for what days they will be available. They arrive 15 minutes before students arrive and are assigned jobs to do.

All volunteers and students wear name tags.

Teachers (who are also volunteers) have one to two volunteers with them for a group of students. We have had volunteers stay with the teacher or rotate with their group of students. It just depends on the students we have and the activities we are doing. No one way seems to be better.

We also encourage the donation of materials from church members to keep the cost of art camp low. We normally charge $30 for the entire week of camp!!!

Collaborative Origami

THIS is such a great way to display origami. This could be done in a simple poster frame.

Collaborative Fingerprints

THIS idea is so simple. It would be easy to make one for each child to take home as a memento. I like that each child is a different color and they sign their name at the bottom by their fingerprint.


Ideas on how to get students to doodle.

Read THIS book.
Give them all the same SQUIGGLE to change into something.
INSPIRATION from these little doodles with permanent marker.

Marshmallow Art?

THIS marshmallow challenge would be fun for a closing activity or a warm-up for students to get to know each other.

I have also seen this type of activity done individual instead of a competition. Students were given a brad (NO TAPE), a straw, a paper plate and a sheet of paper. (NO WRITING UTENSIL.) The students had to make a recognizable object or something that described them.

More artists

THIS site would be a good place to think of more artist to teach the students about or be inspired by.

Lesson Idea

I have been into posting about seeing faces in objects. (See HERE and HERE and HERE.)

I would like to turn this into a biblical lesson for the week. I would like to do something about how artists show others something they could not see before. Artists are the creators like God is our creator. He knows all of us like we know all or our art.

I was thinking about this after reading Isaiah 29:16.
You turn things around!
Shall the potter be considered as equal with the clay,
That what is made would say to its maker, "He did not make me";
Or what is formed say to him who formed it, "He has no understanding"?

I also like the idea of us being easier to mold by God when we read his word because we want to do his will.
I was thinking of us as clay moved with water when we read God's word and us as rock changed by a chisel when we do not know his word.

I'm still thinking about it but I thought it would be a good idea to blog about it before I forgot the idea completely!

Rock and Wire Sculptures

Students enjoy making these rock and wire sculptures balance. The materials are simple and inexpensive.

Painting Shirts

Our very first year of art camp, we painted shirts. Then we used iron on transfers with the year and the name of our camp.

I like this idea with painting with freezer paper too.

(We paint t-shirts every year for the 4th of July!)