Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Lesson idea: Emotions

This is from the BSF notes in the study of The Acts of the Apostles lesson #11. I like the idea of turning Jesus's feelings into a lesson to teach. It is great to go with art work because we reveal a lot of who we are in what we create.

"Jesus became truly human as we are, thought not sinful, for sin is not a necessary part of being human. He experienced everything we experience. He knew what it meant to be hungry (Matthew 4:2), tired (John 4:6), thirsty (John 19:28), sorrowful over the loss of a friend (John 11:35), and broken-hearted over personal rejection (Luke 13:34, 35). Having been where we are, He is not ashamed to call us "brothers.""

Although, not all children have experienced the death of a friend or family member, surely they have experienced a friend moving a way, misplacing a favourite stuffed animal or missing their parents after a long absence.

This, obviously, needs to be fleshed out more but I thought these verses would be a good place to begin.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Simple Sculpture

My two year old made this! I love this simple sculpture idea. We sang 'This Little Light of Mine' and 'I Saw the Light.'

All we did was put tissue paper on clear contact paper then wrap it around a wire hanger. We used a battery operated tea candle to be our light under the sculpture.

HERE is the image we were inspired by.

Watercolor Portait

I drew a simple outline of my face then did one wet on wet wash. The colors bled together. Then I let it dry and outlined it with colored pencil. I think, middle school students would be capable of this.

THIS image below inspired this idea. I am still thinking about how to make the steps simple for young students to get similar results to this image.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Word Pictures

This idea is from Family Fun. I think, this would be a fun activity for a thank you note to volunteers.

Doddle Wire

THIS book looks like it could really inspire students to shape wire sculptures.

When we went on our field trip to the museum two years ago, I brought wire for an outside activity. I think, this book would allow for better direction for students.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Drawing Game

My students LOVE this game.
Each person has a pencil and they take turns drawing a line on the paper. When you pick your pencil up your turn is over. You can't tell the other person what you are drawing. At the end of the turns each person tells a story to go with the picture.

To make it more challenging: you can only draw circles or triangles. Or our new favorite way is that the person says what shape the other person has to draw and if they fail to draw it then you get to draw whatever you want. (This is a great way to practice pentagon, trapezoid, hexagon, etc.)

Fun Art 4 Kids

I was looking through THIS site.

I love these Dali Elephants!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I saw these faces on a Google image search looking for something else but they got me thinking...

This could be a great opening activity. Give the kids a printed sheet of spheres then have them draw a face on each one.

Or a great little kids sculpture idea. Give each little kid a large bouncy ball or small outdoor ball to draw a face on with Sharpie!

Photo Fun

I just came across these photos on a Google image search for something else. I think, this could be a cool photo assignment. You have to have an photo that you some how interact with. I would love to see what the students come up with.

I wonder how you would word this for young children. Maybe the first instruction would be to draw a person or animal and cut him out. Then I would have them think of something to do to the person or animal.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This is a psychological test. We have used it as a fun drawing activity to get to know each other. Students are not intimidated to draw these things.

We talk about:

Who is this person? How old are they? What do they like to do? What don't they like to do?

Who lives here? Who visits the house? What do the people in the house want to add to the drawing?

What season is it where the tree is at? What kind of tree is it? How old is the tree? Has anyone tried to cut down the tree? Who waters the tree?

Students like this activity and it is a great way to start them talking about their own art work in a fast and non-intimidating way.

Painting a Still Life

Here students are painting musical instruments with acrylic while listening to Jazz music.

Paper Mache

Unguided Paper Mache

I would like to add, my volunteers HATE paper mache.

Acrylic Drying

It is a good idea to have students paint a background of a landscape then allow time for it to dry. You have to have the space for this and label student work with masking tape.

Skulls and Animal Parts

Who doesn't love to hold a turkey foot?


Music stands are readily available at churches and make great easels.

Know Your Students

This was such a great way to get to know students.

Several different sizes of paper and different materials were put in the middle of the room. A teacher left the room while volunteers watched the students work. They were instructed to draw/paint anything they wanted in a set amount of time.

After everyone was done, the teacher came back in and tried to match each picture with the correct student. The teacher gave a short explanation why s/he matched the picture with that student.

This was done at the end of the week when the teacher had talked to each student and seen multiple pieces of their work. The students LOVED this activity. It gave us a great avenue to discuss how pieces represent us and how God's creations (nature and people) represent Him.

Foam Stamps

This was a great idea from a volunteer. We found these pressed wood circles and put sticky foam letters and shapes on them to make stamps. It was fun to see the students turn letters into people and realize what they were printing would be the mirror image.

Bubble Prints

So simple. Mix tempera paint, a little water, and JOY liquid dish soap. You might need a little glycerin to make the bubbles stronger. We have used actual bubble blowers but I really like to give each child a small bowl with a straw. The student blows bubbles then lays their paper on top of the bowl.

These look really good if you cut them down and glue them to the front of a card and put them with an envelope.

Colored Glue and Watercolor Animals

These were simply made by drawing an animal then outlining the animal in Elmer's glue mixed with Indian ink. After the ink dried, the students water-colored their picture.

This was a great activity for students to come and go from while other students were spending more time on something else because it needed little explanation or direct teaching. Not every student completed this particular lesson but that was fine.

Rapunzel and O'Keeffe

THIS is the story the students wrote together.

Memory Verse

Students have used clay to represent their memory verse.

Name Photos

We have had students find objects that look like letters to spell a word.